How Tech and Weird Religion Mix and Overlap – Jeff Wright on the Lewis and Lucas Podcast
Our own Jeff Wright recently joined The Lewis and Lucas Podcast to talk about the intersection of psychotropic drugs, ancient pagan religion, technology and demons.
The conversation, if you can’t already tell from that description, fell well within the Our Hideous Strength segment of the Servants and Heralds universe and serves as a nice companion to the Pop Culture Coram Deo episode where Jeff interviewed Lewis on his book The Return of the Dragon : The Shocking Way Drugs and Religion Shape People and Societies.
If you are interested in listening you can find the podcast on all major podcast platforms or you can stream the conversation by clicking the image below or on YouTube here.
You can follow both Lewis and Lucas on Twitter. You can also pick The Return of the Dragon : The Shocking Way Drugs and Religion Shape People and Societies, on Amazon.