Missouri Baptist Paper: Our Readers Still Want to Know Why SBC Ex Comm Hired Pro-LGBTQ+ Lawyers


The Missouri Baptist Convention’s paper, The Pathway, put to print questions a large number of Southern Baptists are asking.

In a follow up on their reporting of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee’s choice to hire pro-LGBTQ+ lawyers The Pathway lets its readers ask the obvious question: Why?!

One Pathway reader responded, “When I read this article I said “WHAT”? I re-read and re-read it over and over. I could not believe the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee made such a decision. Just what are they supposed to do for the churches?”

One reader fears the $2 million could be used to advance LGBTQ causes and threaten our freedom of conscience. “Does that mean they will fight for the churches and their biblical right to preach, teach the Bible, or will they fight against us? I hope this money will not be paid to any lawyers that are part of Bradley Legal. I would find it hard to believe that a biblical-standing lawyer would be a part of an organization that supports LGBTQ advocates.”

Another reader expressed concern over our funding of missionaries.

“I was writing to express my concern over the LGBTQ law firm article. In saying that, our church contributes about $15,000-20,000 a year to the Cooperative Program and we are very concerned about this money potentially going to businesses that support this liberal agenda. We are very committed to the CP. It would be our churches hope that the CP money goes to missionaries, and other Christ-centered missions.”

It isn’t just readers of The Pathway who want to know. Countless Southern Baptists also want an explanation. Let’s see if the Executive Committee is willing to answer.

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