What is The Most Influential Entity in the SBC?
SBCU recently ran a poll asking respondents what entity in the SBC was most influential.
As you will see below, respondents were provided with four options as well as an invitation to contribute other answers in reply.
The four listed options were:
- Annual Meeting Messengers
- The North American Mission Board
- The SBC Executive Committee
- Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
One respondent suggested that Lifeway Christian Resources be included:
Commenting on the poll, Save the SBC suggested SEBTS might ought to replace SBTS in light of the signs of internal disorder in Louisville.
4th option there might ought to have been @SEBTS; The House of Mohler has been internally disorganized since at least the days of Matt Hall.
Herschel York pressed like on this egalitarian guilt-manipulation. Mohler needs to exercise more influence on @SBTS faculty first. pic.twitter.com/uiWuB1NpBF
— SBC Action (@savethesbc) November 4, 2022
When the poll timeframe was completed a clear winner emerged:
Multiple respondents pointed to NAMB’s financial coffers as the reason for the entity’s influence.
User Les Steubing said the influence of NAMB makes Kevin Ezell the SBC’s “Kingmaker.”
What about you, reader? Do you agree NAMB is the most influential SBC entity? If not, which would you say is and why? Let us know in the comments.
Interested in future polls? Check the SBC Underground Twitter feed on Tuesday (11/8/22) for another SBC-related poll.