Where is Conservative Resurgence Voices?

Did you show up here looking for Conservative Resurgence: Voices?

If so you have come to the right place.  Sort of.

Conservative Resurgence: Voices has become SBC Underground and, at the same time part of The Servants & Heralds Network.

If you came looking for content published by CR:V then no worries – use the search function at the top of the page and you should find what you are looking for.

In fact, if you have the CR:V URL address – say something like this one: https://www.crvoices.com/the-egalitarian-shift-in-the-committee-on-committees/ – all you have to do is swap out the servantsandheralds.com portion with servantsandheralds.com to find the same content.

In this example you should find the old CR:V post at https://www.servantsandheralds.com/the-egalitarian-shift-in-the-committee-on-committees/

Alright. If we’re all on the same page feel free to go see what your old friends from CR:V are up to in the SBC Underground.